Do you want to immigrate to Canada ?

Canada remains one of the top destination countries for immigrants worldwide. According to data provided by Canada’s Immigration Office, 341,180 permanent residents relocated and 74,586 transitioned from temporary residency status to permanent residency status only in 2019. To meet such an increasing need for immigration, Canada has developed several pathways designed to make moving processes simpler and less stressful.

Moving to Canada Checklist
Establish your visa needs. Research suitable immigration pathways. Apply for an employment permit. Prepare for the move. And finally… Make Canada Your Home through Sirelo!

Before planning your move to Canada, the first thing you should consider is whether or not an entry visa is necessary. Certain individuals and groups can enter without needing one and receive electronic authorization as an entry document.

US citizens do not require a visa for up to six months when entering Canada from the US.

Canadian immigration programs provide various pathways that may best fit your situation; you should apply for one based on your goals. Here are some of the more popular ones:

Express Entry Program The Express Entry program offers one of the fastest pathways to permanent residency in Canada; however, applicants must possess highly skilled skills. Your score in this points-based process will depend on factors like experience, qualifications, education and skills.
Federal Skilled Worker Program This stream within Express Entry requires at least 10 years of work experience in managerial jobs, professional jobs and technical or skilled trades to apply.
Before applying to the Federal Skilled Trades Program, applicants must possess at least two years of work experience in a skilled trade within five years, in addition to meeting all language requirements (speaking, reading, writing and listening).
Provincial Nominee Program To become part of this program in Canada, one must first be nominated by one province and meet eligibility requirements. Each province targets specific groups like students, skilled workers, businesspeople and semi-skilled workers for consideration in its program.
Quebec Selected Skilled Workers This immigration program is specifically for skilled workers wishing to live and work in Quebec. In order to receive one of these permits from the Government of Quebec, an application for a Quebec Selection Certificate must be made and its guidelines adhered to.
Atlantic Immigration Program This immigration program only permits you to relocate within Atlantic Canada – specifically New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Self-Employment Visa It is necessary to present proof that demonstrates your eligibility to operate independently in Canada and have sufficient experience working within cultural activities or athletics.
Start-Up Visa To qualify for a start-up visa in Canada, you must have an innovative business idea and support letter from an appropriate organization. Furthermore, language requirements must be fulfilled, and your business must generate enough revenue to establish itself here.
Once you know which visa you require, you can start the Canadian visa application process. First, create an online account on Canada’s immigration website, answer a few eligibility questions and provide your email so you can receive instructions specific to that visa type, a list of necessary documents and an assigned reference code – make note of it!

After that, you will receive instructions on how to submit your application either online or in person:

If your application can be submitted online, either create a Government of Canada Login Key (GCKey) account or provide banking details as applicable.
For an in-person application, it is necessary to collect all of your documents and submit them at a Canadian representative office located near where you reside.
Prepare to submit the application fee for your visa as well. Remember that fees vary depending on which type of visa is being sought; translation and courier services may incur additional charges as well.

After Submitting Your Application
Your application could take several weeks to receive an answer; on average it should take around 6 months, however if applying in person could take as much as 18 months! During this time frame it is crucial that you prepare everything needed for moving to Canada.

If you’re planning on shipping your belongings to Canada, make two copies of a detailed list that includes everything. Be sure to include items coming with you as well as goods arriving later; where applicable include value, make, model and serial numbers for those goods where applicable. Sirelo provides access to international moving companies who can save up to 40% in fees through international moving.

Typically, taxes do not need to be paid on everyday goods and services such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, silverware, family heirlooms, books, computers and musical instruments; but you must check entry requirements to be sure.

Once your application for permanent residency has been approved, you will receive an email with a COPR (Confirmation of Permanent Residence) and permanent resident visa (if one is necessary). After arriving in Canada, ArriveCan can be downloaded in either Apple Store or Google Play – ensure it is the latest version!

Canada offers an immigration service that will assist in helping you adapt and settle into life in their country. Furthermore, Canada provides a “Welcome to Canada Guide” to make the transition process smoother for you.

Other Approaches for Moving to Canada
You have other ways of entering Canada beyond Express Entry if your move is for family or study-related reasons:

Immigration pathway for family reunification. You can apply for family reunification in Canada if either your spouse/partner or their parents/grandparents live there, while in certain cases other relatives can sponsor you for reunification.
Immigration Pathway for Study Purposes. To qualify for a student visa in Canada, you must be enrolled in a valid educational program. Unfortunately, student visas typically cannot be transferred into work or residency visas – however after your studies are complete you can still apply for a graduate work permit.
Moving to Canada Does it Require A Lot of Hard Work? In general, moving to Canada shouldn’t be too challenging. Canada welcomes new immigrants with open arms and offers various immigration programs that make qualifying easier; still, each path you apply for must meet specific requirements in order for you to apply successfully.

Keep in mind that while moving abroad may not be too taxing, living in another country will undoubtedly prove challenging – you must ensure you are well prepared financially, mentally, and socially for this transition.

Important Considerations when Moving to Canada
Before becoming a resident in Canada, you need to become acquainted with several key facts:

Renting/Buying in Canada. Upon first arriving in Canada, temporary housing such as hotels, hostels or Airbnb is often sufficient to get acquainted. When searching for more permanent options such as buying or renting apartments; initially it may be best to opt for renting as the average one-bedroom rental is around CAD 1,500 but larger cities often exceed this figure significantly.
Establishing a Bank Account. After moving to Canada, you will require a bank account in order to complete money transfers and transactions. In order to open one you will require identification: in your case a permanent resident card should suffice. Several Canadian banks offer specific “newcomer” programs – these include National Bank of Canada; Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada among others.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. mes Healthcare. While Canada does provide free healthcare to its citizens and residents, national healthcare may take three months or so after arriving to become available to you; for this reason it would be prudent to purchase private healthcare as early as three months post arrival in Canada. Furthermore, national healthcare doesn’t cover all services such as dental care, ambulance transport services or prescription drugs; therefore private options might be advisable in these instances.
Taxes. In Canada, residents must pay federal, provincial and municipal taxes. Income tax will typically be deducted automatically from salaries; self-employed people will have to make regular payments toward their tax bill. Furthermore, every purchase you make requires paying sales tax – don’t be surprised if your price fluctuates at checkout!
How Much Do You Need to Move to Canada? In general, to immigrate to Canada it takes at least CAD 13,200 for one person, though costs increase when moving with more family members. Also factor in any unexpected costs during this process like entry taxes, shipping charges for items shipped over, document legalization fees etc.

Can US Citizens Live Legally in Canada? US citizens may stay visa-free in Canada for six months with a valid US passport, though upon staying more than six months they will need to apply for an immigration program in order to move there legally.

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