Plans To Generate Job Opportunities in Germany

Are You Searching for Work in Germany? Then You have come to the right place and at the right time! If that is the case for you, please read on and find all of the information needed here. Germany boasts an estimated 45-million labor force, including 3.3 million foreign employees, and offers the largest job market in Europe with 1.2 million job vacancies – offering ample opportunity for foreign job seekers. German economic expansion relies heavily on foreign specialists of various fields of work. Due to an aging population and retirement of baby boomers, Germany is hiring thousands of healthcare specialists and other skilled personnel from overseas, making the possibility of landing well-paying jobs here more likely than ever before for foreigners with specialist qualifications.

German Economy and Employment Situation

Germany is both Europe’s and the world’s fourth-largest economy, accounting for 5.4% of global GDP. Germany’s technological economy relies heavily on exports – it ranks third worldwide as an exporter, with an extremely low unemployment rate at 4.2% (no major German cities experience unemployment; rural regions in the north east often have more problems). Germany is one of the largest importers of foreign labor force; currently employing over 3.3 million foreigners as of last year alone!

Foreign Job-seekers in Germany: Navigating the German Job Market

German job market currently boasts over one million job vacancies, providing foreigners with significant employment opportunities. Furthermore, due to Germany’s stable economic growth and ongoing structural changes, hundreds of thousands of new jobs are created each year and skilled professionals in several key fields are welcome by government and employers in Germany as foreigners may fill those skills gaps. Furthermore, Germany is known for its aging population; by 2025 over four million Germans will retire creating further work opportunities for foreigners looking for opportunities here.

Working Conditions in Germany

German Labour Code provides employees with a high level of protection. Based on a five-day working week and maximum weekly working hours defined as 40 hours (though most employees work between 38.5-40). All employees are entitled to at least 18 days off each year as guaranteed holidays; many employers offer 25-30. In addition, Germany celebrates nine national bank holidays as well as six regional holidays throughout the year and minimum wages range between 8.84 Euro per hour or 1,498 Euro monthly minimum pay rates.

Personal Income Tax Germany is home to an intricate taxation system. Starting at zero and rising progressively as individuals make more than 260,000 Euros each year, personal income tax rates range between zero and 45% in high-income brackets (earning over 260,000 Euros annually). Furthermore, low-income individuals pay either less or are exempted entirely, as well as an 8-9 church tax levied on registered church members who pay income tax; social security contributions totalling 22% of income up until certain thresholds are reached are deducted prior to computing personal income tax calculations while generous tax allowances are given families with children.

Job Vacancies Available in Germany’s Economy

On the German labour market there is an ever-increasing need for people with particular special skills. This includes individuals with university education such as physicians, engineers, teachers, natural scientists, mathematicians and IT specialists as well as qualified specialists with vocational education such as nurses, caregivers and skilled traders in various professions. Millions of Germans will also soon retire which will create demand even where no shortage exists yet – something many experts believe can only be filled through recruiting foreign professionals into working here.

Which Professions Are Most In Demand in Germany?

Germany faces an acute shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly doctors and nurses, which is estimated to require approximately 5,000 physicians in order to fill gaps in care delivery. Starting salaries of medical graduates are among the highest among all university graduates; any doctor who has received training equivalent to what would be offered by Germany can obtain a license in Germany.

Germany estimates an upcoming shortage of 150,000 nursing personnel over ten years in hospitals and nursing homes. Although not all qualifications may immediately be recognized in Germany, the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur fur Arbeit) encourages foreigners to complete vocational training courses here to become eligible for jobs in German healthcare industries – for instance this project in Bosnia Serbia Philippines or this one on nursing jobs in Germany for more details.

Germany stands as one of the global leaders in technological innovation. The nation’s export-heavy economy requires highly qualified personnel in various technical areas. These include automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering experts as well as specialists in telecom and information technology (e.g. programmers). As well as these professions sought after by industry, many technology research institutes are actively recruiting STEM graduates (an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics that also goes by its German acronym MINT professions). These professionals include engineers and IT specialists as well as mathematicians and specialists in various areas of science such as biotechnology or nanotechnology. Starting salaries for graduates in mechanical or electrical engineering as well as STEM graduates typically range between 36,000- 45,000 Euros annually with those having 15 years’ experience often earning well above that figure yearly.

Who Can Apply for Employment in Germany?

Citizens from any nation can apply for jobs in Germany, but some nationalities will find it more challenging due to German foreign labour regulations.

Who Needs a Work Permit in Germany?

Citizens from outside of the European Economic Area (EU and EFTA) generally require a work permit (also called residence permit for gainful employment) in order to work legally in Germany. Therefore, there are two groups of foreign job seekers in Germany – those from within and those outside.

EU/EEA Citizens
Citizens of European Economic Area (EEA), comprising EU and EFTA countries, enjoy full access to Germany’s labour market without restriction or restriction; when applying for jobs they will be treated equally with any German national. They don’t require work or residency permits from German labor authorities and their employers don’t need to prove the position could not have been filled by an inhabitant of Germany.

Citizens of Third Countries

Foreign nationals from countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) who wish to work require a work-related residency permit (also called residence permit for gainful employment), provided by their employer who must show that no suitable candidates from within EEA existed for the job being applied for. This rule applies regardless of whether they require visa entry into Germany.

However, exceptions do exist where no proof is necessary of no suitable candidates being available within the EEA. Citizens from third countries who have completed university degrees in Germany are allowed to remain for another 18 months while searching for employment related to their qualifications; once employed they can convert their residence permit for study purposes into one for gainful employment and convert the visa accordingly. Likewise foreign graduates of German universities who returned home after finishing studies can return with Jobseeker visas (see Jobseeker visa below).

Foreigners from third countries who have completed vocational training in Germany can extend their residence permit by another 12 months to find work that fits their qualifications. During this period they can take on any employment to cover living costs while searching for their original career field of training.

Another exception applies to highly skilled individuals with binding job offers for any specialist work that pays at least 52,000 Euros annually (applicable until 2018). Furthermore, exceptions exist in cases of chronic shortage of suitable candidates from within the EEA in certain professions with annual salaries no lower than 40,560 Euros; such occupations could include doctors of medicine as well as MINT professions (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology/engineering). All those mentioned herein qualify for EU Blue Cards as temporary residence titles.

Additionally, the Federal Employment Agency has whitelisted jobs requiring vocational training where shortages exist that are open to applicants from outside EEA countries.

Jobseeker’s Visa for Germany

University graduates who hail from countries not covered by Germany’s visa-free regime can apply for a jobseeker’s visa at their nearest German consulate or embassy. This six month-long visa requires not only valid passport, but also university degree, CV, letter of motivation and travel insurance policy as required documents for issuing a visa. Furthermore, applicants must prove their financial support throughout this period, as they will not be permitted to take up employment during this time frame.

Latest Projects to Attract Foreign Skilled Labor

In 2014, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs initiated “The Job of my Life”, an ambitious project aimed at recruiting 18-27 year olds from other European Economic Area (EEA) countries into Germany for vocational in-company training programs. The primary goal is helping young people from countries like Spain that experience high unemployment to find a job and thus contribute skilled labor for German economic growth. Here you can find more information about this initiative (at the bottom of this page there are PDF links with more details of both German and English versions). Here you will also find links to PDF versions (German or English versions).

Citizens from Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia now enjoy preferential access to Germany’s job market and vocational training courses under “Arbeiten und Leben in Deutschland,” an initiative launched at the start of 2016 that runs until the end of 2020. Citizens can also apply for non-specialist jobs normally unavailable to third-country nationals – more details can be found in this brochure.

PuMa (Punktebasiertes Modellprojekt fur auslandische Fachkrafte), launched in October 2016 in Baden-Wurttemberg to facilitate easier access for foreign skilled labour from countries outside the EEA to German labor market, has proven immensely successful since its implementation. Citizens who successfully completed vocational training recognized by Germany may take up virtually any employment in Germany with ease.

Recognition of Occupational Qualifications

Foreign job applicants applying to Germany often need their professional qualifications obtained outside Germany compared with German equivalents in order to be recognized and issued a Statement of Comparability. German law regulates some professions such as medical specialists or lawyers and requires recognition. Other professions may not require it as part of their regulations but nonetheless find recognition useful. School certificates and university degrees issued from EU/EEA countries or signatories to the Bologna Process should be recognized without difficulty in Germany. Be prepared to pay several hundred Euros for this process. For further details please consult the information portal of German government for recognition of foreign professional qualifications as well as the Anabin database.

Self-Employment in Germany

Nationals from third countries not only can seek employment in Germany but can also set up their own businesses here. Under this initiative, entrepreneurs from third countries who can create new innovative jobs are sought. But they must first establish demand for their goods or services in Germany’s market and demonstrate how their business will contribute to German society and economy, with evidence of secured financing through either personal savings or pre-approved bank loans. Successful candidates are eligible to obtain a residence permit for self-employment. Meanwhile, talented foreign freelancers may apply for such an authorisation. This website should help answer some of your queries regarding setting up business in Germany.

Are You Searching for Employment in Germany?

Start Your Job Search in Germany or Not! There are multiple steps you can take when initiating a job search in Germany or not. Executive or specialist roles should hire an international executive search firm or recruitment agency (Personalagentur). Otherwise, exploring existing opportunities independently may be best for those not in six digit bracket. One easy option would be checking German job websites; those operated by government agencies are good starting points but there are numerous privately owned portals as well worth looking at too – here’s a comprehensive list:

Public Employment Agencies

Jobborse der Bundesagentur fur Arbeit (Job Board of the Federal Employment Agency) offers thousands of job listings as well as expert advice from experienced industry members on helping foreigners secure work in Germany. Registered users can set up individual profiles so that potential employers may contact them.

EURES (European Employment Services), commonly known as the European Job Mobility Portal, allows users to search vacancies throughout all EU member states – to narrow your search, select Germany from the drop-down list at the top left hand sidebar.

Make It in Germany is a joint project by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Labour & Social Affairs and Federal Employment Agency designed to assist foreigners looking for careers in Germany by answering all their queries. This web portal forms an integral part of their campaign aimed at recruiting skilled professionals from overseas in order to fill gaps in German labor market.

Jobborse des Deutschen Pflegeverbands is an online job board for caregiving positions primarily targeting senior care, chronic illness management, and care of chronic patients – some of the hardest positions to fill in Germany.

EURAXESS (Researchers in Motion) is an initiative of the European Commission and Federal Ministry of Education and Research designed to promote scientific exchange across its 30 member states. Universities and research institutes can post available vacancies on Euraxess to make them accessible to researchers from other nations; similarly, researchers themselves may post their CVs.

Independent Job Portals Foreigners searching for work in Germany should visit JobPilot, JobStairs, Monster, JobWare, Staufenbiel, The Local, Stepstone Germany and Indeed Germany as their top choices; but other sites that specialize in certain geographical regions or professions should also be explored such as:

TopLanguageJobs – English speaking jobs in Germany

JOBSinMUNICH provides English-speaking foreign professionals searching for work in Munich with access to multiple local job portals like JobsinBerlin or JobsinHamburg – local job searches with direct links between these portals and others like it.

Medi Jobs – medical professions (doctors, nurses and medical assistants).

Absolventa offers employment for university students and new graduates.

Academic Jobs Available in Research and Higher Education

Praktikum offers student internship opportunities.

(To access more resources, type “Jobborse” or “jobs in Germany” into Google).)

Newspaper Job Portals on Stellenmarkt – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Career and Jobs in Handelsblatt

Stellenmarkt – Suddeutsche Zeitung

Employer Job portal of Handelsblatt and Economic Weekly for hiring needs.

Searching German company websites is the easiest and simplest way to find employment in your field. Most have pages dedicated to “Jobs & Karriere” or “Offene Stellen,” where you may be able to discover open positions not visible through job search aggregators. Don’t limit your job search exclusively to large employers; many small and medium sized firms across Germany hire foreign talent every year. Send speculative applications (Initiativbewerbung is acceptable but can take time) instead!

How to Find Employment in Germany (German)

When applying for jobs in Germany, applicants will often require more than just their CV and references from previous employers. It is still common practice in Germany to send job applications via post using a folder (bewerbungsmappe), typically including:

Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Reference Letters and School Leaving Certificate are included with this package.

Copy of University Diploma

Samples of Work
Passport Size Photo
Later, some employers may also request you provide them with a copy of your criminal record but this typically is not part of the application folder. Although traditionally, all correspondence was conducted by post, many employers now require documents in electronic printable formats like PDF. As is usually the case, your documents should be written (and translated when applicable) in both German and English (if you’re applying for an English-speaking job). When it comes to reference letters written in English, however, translation into German may not always be required. Search the Internet to get plenty of examples and guidance on how to write an eye-catching cover letter and CV, just type “bewerbung,” “bewerbungsschreiben,” or “Lebenslauf Muster,” or “bewerbung Vorlagen kostenlos,” into Google. Here are a few good examples:

Europass provides you with an online editor for creating professional cover letters and CVs in German, English, or any other European language. Documents do not reside on our server so download them before leaving the editor.

KarriereBibel provides users with free samples of cover letters and CVs in Word format that are easy to customize at home.

Bewerbung offers a free generator that enables you to easily compose your motivation letter and CV online and send it right to your inbox. Plus there’s lots of helpful advice about crafting the perfect resume and preparing for job interviews!

Learn How to Act at a Job Interview in Germany

Your efforts have paid off and you have been invited for an interview in Germany! There is no universal advice as each case differs and much depends on who will be interviewing you; but generally follow these steps for a successful job interview:

Be punctual and polite but avoid being dull.

Dress appropriately (preferably, keep your Rolex watch under your sleeve).

Maintain eye contact with the interviewer throughout.

Carefully listen to the interviewer.

Do not behave emotionally but don’t remain unresponsive either.

Stay away from criticising any individual – particularly your former manager or colleagues.

Promote and highlight past accomplishments (and, depending on the situation, overstate them) when discussing past success with employers.

Learn something about your company and share it.

Bring along a list of questions for discussion.

Bring multiple copies of your CV and cover letter for presentation at interviews.

Create a fake note taking practice by taking notes (even if only mentally).

Be kind and put your mobile device into silent mode for God’s sake.

As for Skype or phone interviews, be sure not to be disturbed and sound natural as if you were sitting in the company meeting room. We hope this guide has been beneficial and wish you success finding work in Germany soon. For additional employment-related information about Germany visit “Immigration to Germany”, “Nursing Jobs for Foreigners” and “Salaries and Cost of Living in Germany”.

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